Viser nå: Brasil - Postfrimerker (1990 - 1999) - 21 frimerker.

1992 The 100th Anniversary of Port of Santos

3. February VM: Ingen Perforering: 11½

[The 100th Anniversary of Port of Santos, type COD]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC    
2476 COD 300.00Cr 0.25 - - - EUR
[The 2nd Anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, type COE] [The 2nd Anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, type COF]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC    
2477 COE 400.00Cr - - - -
2478 COF 2500.00Cr - - - -
2477‑2478 1.50 - - - EUR
[Argentinian-Brazilian Stamp Exhibition "Abrafex '92" - Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, type ]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC    
2480 COH 250.00Cr - - - -
2481 COI 250.00Cr - - - -
2482 COJ 250.00Cr - - - -
2483 COK 1000.00Cr - - - -
2480‑2483 0.60 - - - EUR
[Brazilian-Portuguese Stamp Exhibition "Lubrapex 92" - Lisbon, Portugal - The 200th Anniversary of the "Philosophical Journey" by Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira, type ]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC    
2493 COS 500.00Cr - - - -
2494 COT 1000.00Cr - - - -
2495 COU 2500.00Cr - - - -
2493‑2495 3.50 - - - EUR
[The 2nd Anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development - The 170th Anniversary of the Langsdorff Expedition, type COY]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC    
2499 COY 3000.00Cr - - 0.90 - EUR
[The 2nd Anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, type COZ] [The 2nd Anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, type CPA] [The 2nd Anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, type CPB]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC    
2500 COZ 450.00Cr - - - -
2501 CPA 450.00Cr - - - -
2502 CPB 3000.00Cr - - - -
2500‑2502 1.50 - - - EUR
[The 2nd Anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development - Ecology, type ]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC    
2503 CPC 500.00Cr - - - -
2504 CPD 500.00Cr - - - -
2505 CPE 500.00Cr - - - -
2506 CPF 500.00Cr - - - -
2503‑2506 - - 1.00 - EUR
[The 2nd Anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development - Ecology, type ]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC    
2504 CPD 500.00Cr - - 0.20 - EUR
2503‑2506 - - - -
[The 2nd Anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development - Ecology, type ]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC    
2505 CPE 500.00Cr - - 0.20 - EUR
2503‑2506 - - - -
[The 2nd Anniversary of the Unted Nations Conference on Environment and Development - The 3rd Anniversary of the Margaret Mee Brazilian Botanical Foundation - Flower Paintings by Margaret Mee, type CPH]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC    
2508 CPH 600.00Cr - - 0.20 - EUR


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